用'authorized dealers'造句'authorized dealers'怎么读

Swap Dealer 中文

莊荷(英語:Dealer或Croupier),又稱荷官,是指在賭場內負責發牌、殺(收回客人輸掉籌碼)、賠(賠彩)的一種職業。 中文「莊荷」一詞起源於清朝 香港。 在美國,莊荷(Dealer)一詞一般指撲克類遊戲的職員,但亦有例外,如花旗骰(Craps)的莊荷亦稱為Dealer。 在亞洲地區,負責一張賭桌上的. Visit the website Drug Dealer Simulator on Facebook Movie Games SA on Twitter Movie Games S.A. On YouTube View update history Read related news View discussions Find Community Groups Share Embed 59.

Dealer 中文
  1. Google 的免费翻译服务可提供简体中文和另外 100 多种语言之间的互译功能,可让您即时翻译字词、短语和网页内容。.
  2. The Dealer Profit Services team works for you and helps your profits grow while your overhead and effort decrease. As your full service F&I and compliance services company, Dealer Profit Services earns profits for you while you do what you do best – SELL!

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  • 授权经销商
Dealer 中文Dealer 中文

Investment Dealer 中文

  • 'authorized'中文翻译 adj. 公认的,审定的,核准的。 an authori ...
  • 'dealer'中文翻译 n. 1.商人,…商。 2.发牌人,庄家。 3.以某种方 ...
  • 'dealers'中文翻译 经销商; 批发商; 商人,贩子,掮客
  • 'authorized'中文翻译 adj. 公认的,审定的,核准的。 an authorized agent 指定的代理人。 authorized capital (公司被批准发放的)股额。 an authorized textbook 审定的教科书。 an authorized translation 经原著人认可的翻译。 Authorized Version 钦定圣经译本〔1611 年英王 James 一世核定发行的英译圣经,亦称 King James Version〕。
  • 'be authorized'中文翻译 被授权
  • 'not authorized'中文翻译 没有操作权限; 没有授权
  • 'to be not authorized'中文翻译 不予认可
  • 'art dealers'中文翻译 艺品商
  • 'auto dealers'中文翻译 汽车经销商
  • 'car dealers'中文翻译 汽车商
  • 'drug dealers'中文翻译 毒贩; 毒品贩子
  • 'exempted dealers'中文翻译 可为自己买卖证券的商人, 公司或银行
  • 'recognized dealers'中文翻译 认可的交易商
  • 'securities dealers'中文翻译 证券经纪人
  • 'security dealers'中文翻译 证券交易商
  • 'the wheeler dealers'中文翻译 大富翁趣事
  • 'wholesale dealers'中文翻译 批发商
  • 'a shakedown of drug dealers'中文翻译 对毒贩进行的彻底搜查
  • 'american stamp dealers association'中文翻译 美国邮票商协会
  • 'arrest dealers and buyers'中文翻译 逮捕毒商和买家
  • 'association of securities dealers'中文翻译 证券买卖商协会
  • 'association of video dealers uk'中文翻译 英国电视商人协会
  • 'audio-visual dealers'中文翻译 专业视听经销商
  • 'cda computer dealers association'中文翻译 计算机零售商协会
  • 'computer dealers exposition'中文翻译 计算机经销商博览会

Drug Dealer 中文

  • Us california ind . macau ltd macau authorized dealer
  • He is an authorized dealer of imported auto parts
  • E - mail for authorized dealers
  • E . g . the applicant company is appointed by ford motor company as an authorized dealer
  • Auslin is an authorized dealer for one of the top world class forklifts crown forklift . call our sales representative for a good selection of valuable forklift truck
  • However , if it knocks heavily under most driving conditions while you are using fuel with the recommended octane rating , see your authorized dealer to prevent any engine damage
  • The dealer sales manager has full responsibility for the sales volumes of new and used coaches as well as spare parts and related soft services through authorized dealers and sales agents on mainland china
  • Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to place an order which means you ’ ll have to wait for the part to arrive or you ’ ll have to send your computer into the company or an authorized dealer of that company for repairs
  • In the aftermarket support area , cummins has 10 regional service centers and over 230 authorized dealers across the mainland to support an engine population of more than one million units
  • In the event that an authorized dealer should fail to adequately handle their service responsibilities , our company reserves the right to offset any costs incurred on the dealer ' s behalf as a charge - back or against future purchase
  • 更多例句: 1 2

Beat The Dealer 中文版

用'authorized dealers'造句
dealer net 中文, authorized workshop 中文, authorized edition 中文, authorized version 中文, authorized heading 中文, authorized state 中文, authorized bonds 中文, authorized station 中文, authorized user 中文, authorized command 中文, authorized construction 中文, authorized data list 中文, authorized data set 中文, authorized dealer 中文, authorized deferred payment 中文, authorized depository 中文, authorized distributor 中文, authorized equipment 中文,


“know”和“know about”的区别,你懂吗?

Art Dealer 中文

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